Friday, December 26, 2008

Songie Nomination: Most Emotionally Intricate Christmas Song

I know it's a little late, but the mailman don't come on the 25th, so...


Don't let the title fool you - it's not a shitty morning radio skit. It's something much, much, more worth listening, and a lot more tragicomic than the title lets on.

BTW, just got Rain Dogs for Christmas. Fantastic record. Tom Waits is probably the only artist who defied the synth-and-snot-ridden sound of the 1980s without compromising his earthy, dirt-vaudeville craft.

Douglassville 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holy Crap, Look at the Date!

I'm blogging again! Last post was May 27...what was life like since then?
- I was still a young, innocent lad of 21, not a weathered, wisened old sage of 22.
- We didn't have a definitive Democratic nominee, let alone a president-elect.
- The Phillies were still thought of as kinda shitty.
- I still had my old iPod, last seen at a Thai restaurant in Soho in early October. I replaced it with that kind you have to turn sideways to watch videos with.
- I had never had stints with Culture Catch, Kirschenbaum Productions, or Irene Mamiye Studio. Click for an idea of what I've been doing since graduation.
- I was still merely a fan of The Onion, and was not yet writing headline and story ideas for their video section. Plus, I'd never showed up in any of their videos (as the guy in the black shirt behind the cop, and later in a crowd scene).
- Musically, I was still a solo flyer. The Big Hat was yet to come.
- The country got all warm and leafy, then all cold and brown again.