Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Holocaust Museum Shooting: Cable News Sites Weigh In

Just a few minutes ago I found out about the horrible incident at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, where an 88-year-old white supremacist allegedly opened fire on some security guards. It's an awful, awful incident, particularly given the context that - it's the fucking Holocaust Museum. If there's anything that institution should teach you about killing in the name of racial superiority, it's that you don't fucking do that.

Obviously the story is new and developing, so of course I checked out the websites for the Big Three cable news sites. Here's

Pretty reasonable. Gives it the importance it deserves, complete with the "breaking news" headline etc. A few petty videos (i.e. Adam Lambert) on the side, but what news site doesn't come with pointless crap below/beside the fold? MSNBC, your turn:

Also well done. Prominent story. Not exclusive to the top page, but Iran is having an election, and TV is going digital; they would've been near the top if this had never happened.
Now, how about Fox News, America's #1 Impressive Fair And Balanced News Channel of America (TM)?
What?! Let me repeat that question...what?!

I think it's more than just my liberal, left-wing, Democrat Socialist Pinko bias talking when I say that this is disgusting. Absolutely sick. The fact that anyone gives a shit about Carrie Prejean being de-crowned, and the fact that her fucking bikini-clad body would be the biggest (in fact, the ONLY, apart from that fucking ad) graphic on the page ANYTIME is just plain insipid, but when it gets precedence on the page over a SHOOTING AT THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST MUSEUM, which doesn't even get its own GRAPHIC, that's disgusting plus disgusting plus disgusting. Great job, Fox! You got a fucking exclusive on the Miss Opposite Marriage story! While you got that, AN ELDERLY ANTI-SEMITE SHOT PEOPLE AT THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST MUSEUM! Congratufuckinglations!

Fun fact: I remember seeing another Rupert Murdoch operation, the New York Post, when the picture of the Virginia Tech shooter came out a few years back. The New York Daily News, AM New York, et al ran it on the top of their front page (not sure if The New York Times ran it, but then again they don't like pictures). But not the Post. They had an exclusive on the first picture of Anna Nicole Smith's Baby Daddy with Anna Nicole Smith's Baby, and they sure as hell weren't going to sacrifice that on the front cover for some dumb schmuck just because he killed a bunch of people. So what did they do? They put their Anna Nicole's Etc. picture and headline on the top third, with the VT killer below. Yeah. The post ain't going to let a National News Story get in the way. When World War II comes, NewsCorp will be ready with exclusive photos of Halle Berry's camel toe.

Back to today's news...speaking of anti-semitism, notice that headline not far below the Holocaust Museum story? The one reading, "Them Jews Aren't Going to Let Him Talk?" I'm sure that's a continuation of the shooting story, perhaps led in with a quote by the shooter, right?

Oh - wait, wrong. That "Them Jews" quote is by none other than Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Long after it was even a campaign distraction, let alone an actual issue, Fox brings up Obama's Crazy Preacher, practically linking it by word association. Fox News actually has the FUCKING GALL to work what's really, let's face it, a "Fuck Obama" story, just below a FUCKING SHOOTING?! Could you imagine if Keith Olbermann opened his show tonight with, "Horrible shooting in DC, and - hey, you know who else hates musems? Rush Limbaugh!" He'd be out on his ass by the time the "Oddball" segment comes on! But not Fox America Nation America News Fox. It's not like it's a news agency or something...

I had stuff to do while I was writing this, so I decided to check again and see if anything changed. Fortunately, it had:

Say what you will about Fox; to their credit, they have at least one guy to look at the site and go, "Wait a minute - that's fucking awful. Change it."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This Day in Historicalistics! February 7

1977: George W. Bush's early oil drilling enterprise, Arbusto, encounters a major setback when the future president is hospitalized to have an oil derrick removed from his ass. It was on this day that a team of experts reminded Bush what a hole in the ground was.

Friday, January 30, 2009

When Musicians Collide... three parts. Rolling Stones Edition.

1. Peter Tosh + Mick Jagger =

2. Tom Waits + Keith Richards =

"That Feel." Written by both, on Tom Waits' Bone Machine album.

Unfortunately, no video available. The audio was on YouTube, but was taken off. Did a Google Video search for it and the only video I could find with the song, for some reason, was on something called PodBlanc, which is basically a YouTube for white supremacists. I wish I was kidding. So rather than link to it on a site where its related videos are about Jewish bankers and "African king" Obama (again, I wish I was kidding, but then again I would have to be a tremendous douchebag to kid about something like that), I recommend you spend the 99 cents on iTunes for it. It's worth at least that to not patronize a hate site. I myself am going to go purge my cache and browsing history right now Maybe scrub my motherboard while I'm at it. Even rough sex with Ann Coulter wouldn't make me feel as dirty as that site.

3. Keith Richards + Willie Nelson + Ryan Adams + Hank Williams III + an intro by Vince Vaughn =

Sunday, January 4, 2009

In The Studio: "Like A Rolling Stone"

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Songie Nomination: Most Emotionally Intricate Christmas Song

I know it's a little late, but the mailman don't come on the 25th, so...


Don't let the title fool you - it's not a shitty morning radio skit. It's something much, much, more worth listening, and a lot more tragicomic than the title lets on.

BTW, just got Rain Dogs for Christmas. Fantastic record. Tom Waits is probably the only artist who defied the synth-and-snot-ridden sound of the 1980s without compromising his earthy, dirt-vaudeville craft.

Douglassville 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holy Crap, Look at the Date!

I'm blogging again! Last post was May 27...what was life like since then?
- I was still a young, innocent lad of 21, not a weathered, wisened old sage of 22.
- We didn't have a definitive Democratic nominee, let alone a president-elect.
- The Phillies were still thought of as kinda shitty.
- I still had my old iPod, last seen at a Thai restaurant in Soho in early October. I replaced it with that kind you have to turn sideways to watch videos with.
- I had never had stints with Culture Catch, Kirschenbaum Productions, or Irene Mamiye Studio. Click for an idea of what I've been doing since graduation.
- I was still merely a fan of The Onion, and was not yet writing headline and story ideas for their video section. Plus, I'd never showed up in any of their videos (as the guy in the black shirt behind the cop, and later in a crowd scene).
- Musically, I was still a solo flyer. The Big Hat was yet to come.
- The country got all warm and leafy, then all cold and brown again.